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Beckingham Primary School

Class 3

Welcome to Class Three!

We are a mixed Year Five and Six class and our class is taught by Miss. Thorpe. Class Three is supported by Mrs. Parkinson and Mrs. Story each morning, and PPA cover is provided by Mrs. Story on a Monday afternoon.  

Helpful Information


Each week, the children have two PE sessions, one on Monday and one on Wednesday. Please ensure that children come to school dressed in their PE kits on these days, with extra layers for the cold weather.

The children will need to wear footwear suitable for outside, should they need to be on the playground or the playing field. 



The expectation for homework in class three, is that children will spend up to 30 minutes completing a set task every week, in addition to practicing their spellings and times tables. 

Homework will be set on a Wednesday and will be due in the following Wednesday, when we will mark together and children will have chance to discuss their work.  

New spellings will be given each Wednesday and will be tested the following Wednesday. Spellings with practice games and linked sessions are on 'Spelling Shed'.

Logins for these & the times tables Rockstars are provided for your child - please see their planner for this.



It is an expectation that all children will read at home at least three times a week and that their reading diary will be signed. The infographic below details some of the ways in which sharing a book benefits both children and their grown ups. 

Our school library is well stocked with an exciting variety of books; additionally, Class Three has a bookshelf of texts recommended by BPS staff, a collection of newspapers and magazines aimed at children aged 9-11 and a selection of non-fiction texts based on our current learning. 




More useful information

Purple Mash is a safe, secure platform where your child can use ICT to enhance learning in all areas of the curriculum.  Again, a log on is provided in your child's planner.


English & Maths are taught daily throughout the week and there is also a weekly spelling test.


Class rewards, success and reminder messages will be shared via Class Dojo. If you require support in setting this app up, please ask a member of the team.

Year 5 & 6 Recommended Reads

Useful website links below:
