Welcome to Beckingham Primary School!
Our beautiful school is situated at the heart of the historic village of Beckingham in the Bassettlaw district of Nottinghamshire, approximately 3 miles from Gainsborough. We enjoy views of All Saints parish church, which dates from the 13th century, and have extensive grounds over two sites, which provide rich outdoor-learning opportunities for our children.
Our friendly, hardworking pupils and staff team work in harmony to create an ambitious, calm environment. We aim to offer the very best learning opportunities, promoting an inclusive and mutually respectful ethos. We welcome visits from prospective families who would like to see the opportunities our forward-thinking team provide, and are happy to discuss individual needs of children and what personalised support we can offer them.
Our school mission and ethos is encompassed by our core values of Tenacity, Hard Work, Respect, Integrity, Vision, Empathy and Selflessness (THRIVES) and the ambitious, well-balanced curriculum is designed with the intent of:
‘Ensuring every child succeeds and THRIVES becoming a life-long learner, prepared for the world of tomorrow’.
We embrace diversity and our pupils and staff hold safeguarding and inclusion close to the heart of everything they undertake. This was noted as a strength in our recent OFSTED inspection, where the school maintained their status of Good, which we are very proud of.
'Beckingham Primary School does all it can to ensure that every pupil ‘THRIVES’. Leaders have high expectations. Pupils know that they are expected to model tenacity, hard work, respect, integrity, have vision and to show empathy and selflessness. Pupils do their very best to live up to these expectations.'
OFSTED, July 2024
As a school with the community at its heart, we aim to ensure all our pupils are loved, nurtured and enabled to succeed, through an atmosphere of high expectation, in order to become global citizens of the future. We strive to offer a range of residential visits, sport, music and dance through a variety of external providers and specialist teachers. These enhance the children’s academic experiences, and offer opportunities for parents to participate in events in school. We firmly believe that the partnership between home and school is crucial to academic, social and physical development.
In short, I feel privileged and proud to work alongside the children, staff and wider Beckingham community as we continue to grow together to provide our children with the high-quality learning experiences they deserve. Please do not hesitate to make contact with us via the school office if you have any queries, or would like to book a visit with us – we look forward to meeting you and your children.
Best wishes
Mrs Clare Furniss