Home Page

Beckingham Primary School



Welcome to Foundation.

 Our class is looked after by Mrs Brumby  and Mrs James. Mrs Tomlinson covers Mrs Brumby's PPA  on a Monday afternoon and Mrs Patchett will be joining Mrs James on a Wednesday until the end of the Spring term.



Helpful Information.

Each week the children have PE on a Friday morning with Mrs James and until the end of term. Gainsborough Trinity Sports Coaches and Kixx will deliver some fun sport activities on a Monday afternoon.   Please ensure that  children come to school dressed in their PE kits on Monday and Friday mornings.

PE kit should be inline with the school uniform policy.



Fruit snack is available daily in school and the children are entitled to milk in an afternoon.


Class rewards, success and reminder messages will be shared via Class Dojo. If you require support in setting this app up, do not hesitate to speak to a member of the Foundation Team.





"Children get off to a flying start in the early years. Adults plan learning that captures their imagination and interest. Children make strong progress from their different starting points." - OFSTED 2018

Learning in Foundation
