SEND at Beckingham Primary School
Beckingham Primary School encourages all pupils to be the best they can be. We aim to ensure that all children are happy and confident and supported to achieve their full potential. We are committed to ensuring every child can achieve and succeed in their learning.
How does the school know if my child needs extra help? What should I do if I think my child may have Special Educational Needs?
On entry, each child’s current skills and level of attainment will be assessed by the school, informed by information from previous settings and key stages where appropriate. Parents will be asked to complete a booklet called “My unique child”.
SEND, for some children can be identified at an early age. However, for some children their difficulties may become more evident as they develop. We work closely with parents/ carers and children themselves to ensure early identification of difficulties and needs to ensure appropriate and timely support for children with SEND.
Class teachers make regular assessments of the progress for all pupils in the class. If a child has any difficulties and requires additional support, intervention or reasonable adjustments, the class teacher will discuss with parents/ carers as well as the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator to decide what actions to take.
If you are concerned that your child may have Special Educational Needs, you should, in the first instance, talk to your child’s class teacher. If the needs are complex or multiple, perhaps with a specific diagnosis, then a meeting with the SENCo can be arranged to discuss the nature of your child’s needs and how they can be met to provide the best chances of success.
How will school staff support my child?
If a child is identified as having SEND, the school will work towards removing barriers to learning.
If assessments show that a child has difficulty within the four broad areas of need:
Communication and interaction
Cognition and learning
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Physical and sensory
These will be categorised as ‘SEND support’ in school and a range of strategies will be used that make full use of all available classroom and school resources. The class teacher will work closely with the SENCo to produce an Individual Support Plan that will include specific targets. These will be discussed with parents termly.
The first step in responding to a child’s needs is high quality, differentiated teaching based on the child’s needs.
Information from a wide range of sources including parents/ carers, class teacher, SENCo and other professionals will be gathered to determine the needs and provision for the child.
The class teacher will offer reasonable adjustments, interventions or support that are different from or additional to those provided as part of the school’s general working practices.
Who is the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and how can I contact them?
Mrs. Rhiannon Brumby
Can be contacted through the school office on 01427 848230.
You can find Nottinghamshire's Local Offer here:
Nottshelpyourself | SEND Local Offer - Getting Around
You can find Beckingham's extended Local Offer Response here:
Find out more about the SEND Local Offer by watching this short video: